Online LTC Class

Texas License To Carry

State Approved Course

Texas License To Carry

This Texas license to carry class is a State Approved Course. It is an online course you can take right from the comforts of your own home, anytime, day or night. The online LTC class works on all devices including your smartphone. There is no need to spend all day sitting in a crowded classroom on a Saturday. You can get certified online at your own pace.

Benefits of a Texas LTC

  • Reciprocity: This is a big one. An LTC allows you to carry in many more states. Texas has reciprocity agreements with a significant number of other states, meaning your LTC is recognized as a carry permit in those places.

  • Carry in more places: The Texas LTC allows you to carry in a lot more places including, school zones, school parking lots, collage campuses “including in buildings”, past no carry “gun buster” signs, hospitals, nursing homes and more.

  • Potential legal advantages: An LTC might offer some additional legal protection in self-defense situations. While the laws are complex, having an LTC demonstrates you’ve received training on firearms safety and Texas law.

  • Faster firearm purchases: LTC holders are exempt from background checks when buying guns from a dealer.

  • Demonstrates responsible gun ownership: An LTC shows you’ve gone through the process of education and background checks. This can be a positive if you’re ever questioned by law enforcement.

  • Trespass Protection: If you carry past a no carry sign they must give you an opportunity to leave the building before you can be charged.

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